Have you been struggling lately? Are you experiencing a loss of enjoyment or motivation? Even if you don’t think your needs justify therapy, it can probably help. Like a lot of people, you may be thinking “Therapy is for crazy people, and I’m not crazy!” There’s a widespread stigma that often convinces us to not seek out mental health support when we need it. However, speaking with a professional during a difficult time or after a significant life change can have a very positive effect on your well-being and the time it takes to heal. In fact, most people will benefit from visiting a counselor at least some point in their lives.
So when IS a good time to seek support from a mental health professional?
Below are 5 points to consider before deciding whether or not to speak with a therapist, counselor, or life coach:
#1: You’re feeling sad, angry, or just “not yourself” – If you’re eating or sleeping more/less than usual, withdrawing from family or friends, or just feeling “off”, it might be a good time to ask yourself why. Because society only teaches us to talk about the positive stuff (such as joy and happiness), many of us are left without knowing how to deal with some of the harder emotions when they arise (like anger or anxiety).
#2: You’re using a substance to cope – When you turn outside yourself to a substance or behavior to help you feel better or to get through the day, your coping skills may need some fine-tuning.
#3: You’ve lost someone or something important to you – Until you’ve experienced it, most of us don’t really understand how hard bereavement is to deal with. While not everyone needs counseling during these times, there’s no shame in having a little help during the loss of a loved one, a divorce or significant breakup, or the loss of a job; especially if you’ve experienced multiple losses in a short period of time.
#4: You’ve experienced something traumatic – Many people struggle with events that happened in their past. Do you experience triggers? Be honest with yourself: Is there anything that always makes you feel anxious, stressed, nervous, scared, or depressed, no matter what?
#5: You’re experiencing mounting amounts of anxiety – While seeking support after a panic or anxiety attack may sound like obvious advice, many of us experience something like this and try to ignore it. Panic attacks are very scary and people often think they are actually dying when they experience one for the first time. Having a panic attack means that life has become so overwhelming, the body doesn’t know what to do with the excess stress.
Lisa Lima is the owner of My Life Unleashed Counseling & Animal-Assisted Therapy with locations in Divide and Colorado Springs, CO. Lisa works with children, teens, adults, and families by empowering them to make choices that best serve their well-being and future.
Her approach begins with a strong alliance, tailoring her client’s experience specifically to their goals and preferences. In addition to her training in clinical social work, Lisa is well-versed in animal-assisted play therapy; Her therapy dog, Luna accompanies her during client visits and those who visit her in Divide often come prepared to take a walk outside, greet the horse, and feed the chickens.
Lisa is currently accepting new clients and offers a 30 minute no pressure consultation to anyone seeking support. For more information, please visit www.mylifeunleashed.biz or contact Lisa at (719) 626-3090 or lisalima@mylifeunleashed.biz
